
  • Medicaid Planning in Palm Beach County

    Medicaid is a crucial tool that can help provide for long-term medical care. However, Medicaid has strict requirements for people aged 65 and older. These criteria can be complex and even change depending on where you live and your current… Read More

  • Executor of Estate in Palm Beach County

    Managing an estate is a challenging and time-consuming responsibility. The executor of an estate is chosen in the will and must oversee the deceased’s will, protect their assets, and guide the estate through probate. In Florida, this person is known… Read More

  • Long Term Care Planning in Palm Beach County

    Nearly 70% of all senior citizens will require long term care at some point, but few have a plan put in place ahead of time. Without a secure care plan, an older adult can suffer a sudden injury or receive… Read More

  • Florida Elder Law Attorney in Palm Beach County

    Are you searching for an expert guide through elder law or elder care in Palm Beach County? You can find an experienced and dedicated Florida elder law attorney in Palm Beach County at The Millman Law Group. The Millman Law… Read More

  • Elder Care Lawyer in Palm Beach County

    Do you require the guidance of an experienced elder care lawyer in Palm Beach County? This particular type of lawyer specializes in navigating the complex issues and legal requirements that people face as they age. Aaron D. Millman, Esq., CPA,… Read More

  • Florida Revocable Living Trust in Palm Beach County

    One of your most essential estate planning tools will be a Florida revocable living trust in Palm Beach County. This type of trust empowers you to make any necessary changes in the future, which irrevocable trusts do not permit. This… Read More

  • Florida Durable Power of Attorney in Palm Beach County

    As individuals age, they are at a higher risk of illnesses or injuries that may incapacitate them. This is why it is essential to consider who may be able to make financial and health decisions on behalf of an elderly… Read More

  • Florida Probate in Palm Beach County

    It is not only recommended that you work with an attorney for probate in Florida but is, in fact, required by law. Probate is a court-supervised legal process necessary for administering a person’s assets once they have died. Probate helps… Read More

  • Life Estate Deed in Palm Beach County

    Transferring property is a major concern of most people during estate planning. A life estate deed is essential when a homeowner is aligned with their beneficiary and wants to transfer their property as seamlessly as possible. The Millman Law Group,… Read More

  • Estate Planning in Palm Beach County

    Planning for your estate without professional help can be overwhelming. However, when you use the guidance of an experienced lawyer, you can feel confident in your estate planning in Palm Beach County. Aaron D. Millman, Esq., CPA, founded The Millman… Read More